Real Life Recovery Logo

Walking with hurting individuals and families in a relational environment to build healthy relationships with Jesus and others. 



Meets Every Tuesday Night
Real Life Building 2

Find freedom from all struggles, including: anxiety/depression, pornography, fear, control, substance abuse, codependency, sexual abuse, same-sex attraction, eating disorders/body image, anger, obsessive thoughts, and any other struggle that has you stuck.

• 5:30 pm: Dinner
• 6:15 pm: Large Group
• 7:00 pm: Small Groups (gender-specific)
• 8:15 pm: End

QUESTIONS? Contact Myles 208-651-0417
Free Childcare Available

Struggle-Finder Survey

Everyone struggles with something. But no matter your struggle, there is hope for you. Use this survey to identify and learn about the struggles most affecting your life. Find stories of hope from those who have struggled like you and steps you can take to get well.

Simple: This multiple-choice survey should take about 20 minutes and, based upon your answers, suggest areas of life to investigate further.

Anonymous: We do not connect your response to identifying information or provide your information to anyone else. This tool is for your personal use.

Comprehensive: The survey addresses most struggles presenting at re:generation (emotional struggles, relational struggles, mental health struggles, sexual struggles, substance abuse, anger, pride, control, fear, anxiety, and more).




We are here to help. We all have defining moments in our lives - challenging circumstances, relational pain, and transitional seasons. If you are walking through a difficult place or season, our pastoral care ministry is here to help. We offer pastoral Biblical encouragement and/or recommendations to outside professional, Christian, licensed counselors.

Sean Fryling 208-777-7325 x 7178 or

Lydia Grubb (208) 777-7325 x 7106 or

PLEASE NOTE: If you are seeking professional counseling please understand we are not a counseling center, nor do we do any form of mental health or professional counseling services. If you or your family are in immediate danger (suicidal, domestic violence, etc.) please call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room.

Classes and GROUPS

At Real Life, we offer small groups and classes for both men and women to find the healing they need whether they are stuck in a pattern of unwanted behavior or suffering the effects of pain caused by another person’s actions. You can’t do it alone. These groups provide a safe place for recovery, support, encouragement and accountability, all the while identifying what God’s design intended for healthy relationships.

Warpath - Men's Class

Begins September 29 (29 weeks)
Sunday Mornings at 11:30am in Building 2

How to Live Permanently Free from Porn. Hosted by Dr. Doug Weiss, acclaimed Christian sex-therapist, psychologist, and author, Warpath provides practical tools to help you live permanently free from porn. As a follow-up to the Conquer Series, Warpath equips men for battle so they can remain free for life. Through this series, you will learn how to retrain your brain, become destiny conscious, overcome childhood wounds, and reverse the damage from unhealthy behaviors. You will also discover tips and strategies to reclaim your marriage, walk through the steps for healthy disclosure, and minimize collateral damage. Join us on the Warpath and start living a life of freedom today!


Open in the spring - Sexual Integrity 101 - Video Course

We all desire sexual integrity, whether it’s for ourselves or for others. But we struggle with knowing where to start. 

This 8 week video training is for men, women, students, pastors, lay leaders, parents, and more. It’s for anyone who wants to find freedom from the effects of unwanted sexual behaviors and betrayal. This course will show how shame and grace affect the healing process, give understanding about addiction and betrayal trauma, and get you started on the path to sexual health.

betrayal & beyond - woMen's Group

Betrayal & Beyond is designed to help women who are dealing with their husband's sexual sins from pornography to extra-marital affairs. During this 9-month commitment you will learn valuable tools, biblical wisdom and hear testimonies of courageous women who found hope, help and encouragement.

Free childcare provided.
For more information about group details, call Lorie Weiss at 509-280-1369.

The Conquer Series - Men's Class

The Conquer Series is a cinematic study that is transforming the lives of men around around the world. Now in two action packed volumes, each containing Biblical Teachings and proven principles to help men conquer porn and walk in freedom.

Dates: January 19th (10 Weeks)
Time: Sundays, 11:30am
Location: Building 2

Participants will need to purchase the Conquer Series Journal & Volume 1&2 study guides prior to class. All 3 books cost ~$50 and can be purchases here: Conquer Series Materials



FULL - Pregnancy Loss Women's Group

Sunday Mornings, 9:45am | Bldg. 2 | September 22 - November 17 (9 weeks)

This is an 8 week group to give you space and a place to grieve this loss. In our pregnancy loss group you will experience: Community, Closure, Validation, Healing of your relationship with Christ. All done from a biblical approach. Questions? Email Rebecca.

Church service childcare available.
Registration Fee: $10.



Grief Share - Co-Ed Class

A grief class designed to offer you help and encouragement after the death of a spouse, child, family member or friend. Join us for a 13-week study involving a video, discussion group, and weekly journaling as you walk through your journey of grief in community with others. Workbook will need to be purchased prior to class.

Purchase workbook prior to class.

Two Class Options:

Ongoing (join any time)
Sunday Mornings at 9:45 // Building 2 // REGISTER

September 19-December 12 (13 weeks)
Thursday Evenings at 5:45pm // Building 2 // REGISTER


Widow's Luncheon

Saturday, December 14th | 11:00am | Post Falls Campus, Building 2 Auditorium


Widow's Coffee

Third Wednesday | 10:00–11:00am | Post Falls Campus, Building 1 Lobby East Side

Join us the third Wednesday of every month where you can meet with a member of the Widow's in Community Team - whether you have questions, need support, or just want to chat. If you have any questions you can e-mail Lydia or call the church at 208-777-7325.

Seven pillars of Freedom - Men's group

7 Pillars of Freedom is designed to help men break free from unwanted sexual behaviors including lust, infidelity, pornography and sexual addiction. During this 9-month commitment this group provides support, a safe environment and the tools needed to work through the battle of sexual sin in order to establish lifelong healing.
For information on meeting times and details please contact: Mike Nicassio at (208) 964-6508.


January 19th (6 weeks) // Sunday Mornings at 9:45am // Building 2

Curious about how your own thinking, feeling and choosing is impacting your internal world and your relationships? This class will help you identify thinking and emotions. You will grow in your awareness and ability to respond to emotions, gain skill in managing your own thinking, and ability to build connection in relationships. We all can grow in our emotional intelligence and relationship building abilities.


Unraveled - Women's group

Unraveled is designed to help women who struggle with managing love, sex and relationships. During this 9-month commitment we discover the core of our distorted beliefs, address the shame that drives our behaviors, and write a new ending to our story, crafted with hope and purpose. 

Free childcare provided.
For more information about group details, call Lorie Weiss at 509-280-1369.


If you need prayer please contact the church, 208.777.7325 or submit a request online.