"Come, magnify the Lord with me! Let's give honor to His name together!" - Psalm 34:3 

We're excited that you're considering being a part of the Worship Arts ministry at Real Life! Discerning where God is leading you to serve as a member of His Church is an important decision.  

Worship Arts staff and volunteers are responsible for all creative elements that take place during our weekend worship services, as well as various other ministries that occur weekly including our Next Gen (Youth & Young Adults) environments. As a ministry, we have the sacred privilege and joy of leading the gathered congregation to set our gaze vertically upon the Lord and minister horizontally to one another. Our teams lead the charge in reminding the gathered church that our spiritual identity is to be the called-out ones who collectively offer up spiritual sacrifices to the living God as a priesthood of believers (1 Peter 2:9).

The Worship Arts ministry is comprised of two teams that partner together harmoniously to accomplish this tall task every week across multiple ministry environments. Our Platform Teams (often called praise teams or worship bands at many churches) are responsible for the music being played on our various platforms and our Production Teams (sometimes called tech teams) are responsible for the execution of Audio Engineering, Video, Lighting (and pretty much everything else that happens in-house or online for services and events). Below are four specific value statements of who we aspire to be as we carry out the immense privilege of our calling in this ministry.

We are a people who…

Become Invisibly Good

We take our cue from John the Baptist and humbly pray, "He must increase, I must decrease!" It's not about us. It's all about Jesus. This heart cry must be the starting point for every worshiper (see John 3:27-30 & Philippians 2:3-8).

Create Roadways, Not Roadblocks

In our worship services, we are committed to making giving Jesus Christ our attention and adoration the easiest and most natural thing to do. Everything from the music we play, the attitude we bring, and even the way we dress is thought through to ensure we "make straight the way for the Lord.” We bring our best to create an engaging, distraction-free worship service that points people to our Savior (see Isaiah 40:3-5 & John 1:23-29).

Celebrate Progress, Not Perfection

We will think in terms of excellence, not perfection. Excellence isn't the best in the world, but the best we can offer. Every time we do something, we ask how we can improve so that yesterday's excellence becomes today's starting place. We continue to grow and remain curious, humble, and teachable people who don't have all the answers (see Philippians 3:1-14).

Pass the Baton

Recognizing that our chapter in the story won't last forever, we aim to pour our lives and experiences into others so that the coming generation will boldly declare the praises of God. The role we play is not a position to defend but a privilege to pass on. We all share this responsibility to make disciples and leave a legacy that outlasts ourselves (see Exodus 35:30-35; 2 Timothy 2:1-2 &  John 19:26-27).

If these things are something you are passionate about, please click one of the images below for more information.



Meet The Worship Arts Staff

Please reach out to a staff member concerning any questions you have about the worship arts ministry using the contact links below.

Ryan Armstrong
Post Falls Campus
Associate Service Producer

Kai Blood
Post Falls Campus
Associate Service Producer

Samuel Cooper
Coeur d'Alene Campus
AV Tech

Preston Deese
Post Falls Campus
Production Coordinator

Jeremy Ellis
Post Falls Campus
Worship Arts Development Pastor

Phillip Giampietro
Hayden Campus
Worship Ministry Leader

Elliot Johnson

Youth Worship Lead

Michael Reyes
Coeur d'Alene Campus
Associate Campus Pastor

Sarah Rosene
Post Falls Campus
Production Coordinator

Kristian Shields
Post Falls Campus
Production Manager

Aaron Short
Post Falls Campus
Worship Pastor

Jordyn Short
Post Falls Campus
Production Coordinator

Wyatt Tietz
North Campus
AV Technician

Michael Torres
Hayden Campus
AV Tech

Chase Yamamoto
North Campus
Worship Leader