Over the last year or so, we have started a relationship with Compassion International. This organization works to rescue children out of extreme poverty and hunger, and provide them with an education as well as spiritual formation. We are joining with them to help train their pastors in relational discipleship, so these children are being loved, cared for, and discipled in God's Word. If you would like to help support this mission, you are welcome to sponsor a child through Compassion International. LEARN MORE>

Our Vision:

Reaching the world for Jesus, one person at a time.


Helping multiply disciple-making churches worldwide.


 Locally: Helping support International Discipleship by serving on Real Life Home Base Teams. Serving and encouraging pastors we work with on short-term missions’ trips.

Globally: Identifying, entering into relationship with and helping equip pastors throughout the world to be disciples of Jesus, making disciples of Jesus, leading/planting disciple-making churches, discipling other pastors and coming alongside pastors throughout the world.

How it Works:

As we are led of the Lord to focus our World Missions efforts on helping pastors lead disciple-making churches, God has provided amazing opportunities. We begin by investing in and equipping volunteers on our International Discipleship Team, training them to come alongside international pastors in the arena of Biblical relational discipleship. We send teams to many countries, connecting them with pastors who have a desire to be and make disciples of Jesus. As our teams and Coaches continue to build relationships alongside these international pastors, we help take them through the steps of creating disciple-making cultures in their churches and communities. Morevover, we help them grow and reproduce by showing them how to plant disciple-making churches, and how to come alongside other pastors within their spheres of influence.

What God Has Been Doing:

God has been actively blessing Real Life’s International Discipleship. From the seeds we have sown (Mark 4:26-29), He has brought forth magnificent crops. We have seen it spread to over 25 countries, hundreds of churches and thousands of discipleship small groups. God has provided incredible ministry partners – key pastors in many countries that are “leaders of leaders” who personally walk out being and making disciples. They are spreading Jesus’ model of relational discipleship. In the midst of this tremendous growth, we remember two key pieces:

First, God is reaching the lost and transforming individual lives.

Secondly, God is doing work among our own people on our International Discipleship Team. Marriages are being strengthened; volunteers are growing in their walks with the Lord as they are being and making disciples of Jesus here at “home base” as well.

God has truly blessed us abundantly.

To Him be the Glory!
Dave Campbell, Real Life Missions Pastor